Thursday, February 14, 2013

Celebrate Love

Romantic love is one of God's sweetest gifts to our lives. But love is so much bigger than 'hearts and flowers'. It's a very practical thing - a choice you have to make over and over again. [para]Love happens between two people when they are slow to suspect but quick to trust; slow to condemn but quick to justify; slow to offend but quick to defend; slow to expose but quick to shield; slow to reprimand but quick to empathise; slow to belittle but quick to appreciate; slow to demand but quick to give; slow to provoke but quick to help; slow to resent but quick to forgive. [para]Wouldn't it be amazing if love were the true hallmark of all our relationships?

 One writer talks about a church where the people have made the following pledge to each other: 'I'll never knowingly say or do anything to hurt you. I'll always, in every circumstance, seek to help and support you. If you're down and I can lift you, I'll do that. If you need something and I have it, I'll share it with you ... No matter what I find out about you, no matter what happens in the future-either good or bad-my commitment to you will never change. And there's nothing you can do about it.' What now? Today, find a way to take the love that God has given to you, and give it to someone else.

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