Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Trying to force other people to change is never a good idea. Jesus knows how prone we are to try to change other people, and puts the question to us: 'Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?' (Matthew 7:3 NIV). [para]Using our own tactics to get people to change - applying pressure - is usually pointless. Give them breathing space. People need the freedom to be loved as they are. 

That doesn't mean they don't need or want to change. But nobody appreciates being given the message, even subtly, that they must change in order to be loved and accepted. So, it's about giving people room to change. We're more likely to change for those who are willing to accept us with our shortcomings, than for those who demand we live by their rules. 

Prayer is the greatest agent for change, not pressure. If we truly love people we'll pray for them and allow God to work on them His way, on His schedule, and for His glory. For change to be lasting, it must come from the inside out. And only the Spirit of God can bring that kind of change

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