Monday, November 22, 2010


The mention of Juju brings to mind scenes of frail, straw skirt clad old men with blood shot eyes dancing around pots of smoke, waving horse tail whisks and chanting incantations on objects; and who can blame us. That is the sort of image the media has painted over the years. The word actually refers to the supernatural. Most unexplainable events and occurrences are attributed to Juju. It has been accredited with some of the most gruesome crimes committed by mankind in our part of the world.
Now, onto football which is the pride of many African countries.

Football has been known to unite countries. In actual fact the government of Brazil built more stadiums during times of economic crisis than any other period in the countries history, just because they knew that once the populace were happy they were least likely to complain about the harsh economic climate. During the 2008 CAN tournament almost every Ghanaian felt proud to be a Ghanaian. The young and old thronged the fan parks and stadiums to watch the matches. There is no doubt therefore that football is a uniting force wherever the great game is played.
Juju and football seems like an odd pair, but yet there are always rumours circulating of how opponents are aided by supernatural forces, and how these forces influence the outcome of games. Is this because there are inexplicable occurrences on the pitch? Can’t these occurrences be attributed to the skills or lack of skills of the players?
I don’t know much about juju or football but it seems whenever the two meet the outcome is favourable for the team who is aided. If there is such a thing as Juju I hope the Africans bring it to the world cup, infact I am willing to buy a straw skirt and a lot of talcum powder in aid of juju, just because we as Africans have a lot of differences which divides us and winning the World cup would be a huge unifying force.

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