Wednesday, March 7, 2012


...We stopped relying on ourselves and learned to rely only on God... 2 Corinthians 1:9
Down in the dumps today? Feeling like the world and its mother is against you, and even God Himself has got it in for you? Life doesn't always turn out the way we plan or hope, does it? It would be great to have instant power to pass that exam, make that guy fancy us, grow a money tree, stop those bullies, take away the fear, stress, pain, unfairness. But we don't. When life throws us bitter lemons and dirty ashes, thinking positively and relying on God is often at the bottom of our agenda. It's hard to look forward to tomorrow when all around is a raincloud of doom. How can we believe that God truly loves us when the mess we're in doesn't seem to change? How can we trust God is there for us when it doesn't even feel like He's listening to our prayers? How can we rely on Him to help? After all, He could have kept Joseph out of prison (but didn't), stopped Daniel being thrown into a den of lions (but never did), or made sure Paul wasn't shipwrecked (but it happened anyway). Take a closer look as to what else happened. As a result of their painful near- death experiences, they got to know God more and the result was that they impacted the world around them. With God, your best moments will often follow the worst times. What now? Take strength from 1 Peter 4:12-13 and memorise God's promise to you in Romans 8:28.

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