Thursday, April 28, 2011


So I’m walking into a shop, and a good looking man walks past me, and let the door slam into my face. Gosh! I thought, he’d started looking kind of ugly, and immediately you are thrown off by his atrocious manners!!!

I didn’t know whether to tap him on the shoulder, and say hey, what happened to chivalry?

After all, perhaps the guy was in a hurry to get to the men’s room. Maybe he didn’t even see me, although I’m over six feet tall and hardly unnoticeable.

Don’t get me wrong, not all men deliberately do this, and not all women are saints, but there are some basic etiquettes when it comes to knowing how to treat people in certain situations.

My grandmother used to say, your mama didn’t teach you well. This was her answer to every door slammed in her face, but really, it’s about having common courtesy and class.

Do we have to wait for our mother’s prompting before we know what to do?  Have we become so driven and busy that we haven’t got a clue about what’s right and wrong or expected? 

I’ve come up with this  little list of dos and don’ts for you this week, which I hope you’ll be able to enjoy and or apply.Ladies, don’t show up for a first date looking like you’re going for a wild night out with the girls.

Guys, always open the door for a woman; This includes car doors too. You’ll be fondly remembered for this.

Ladies always have enough money to pay for your half of the dinner. Not every man will admit to you that he can’t manage the whole bill when you ask him out for a meal, so don’t make assumptions.

Men, try to understand that leaving a woman stranded after a late night out, as you go roaring off into the night with friends is not on. Take her safely home, even if she says she’s okay on her own.

Women, you can like someone a lot, but behave in a demure fashion in the company of a man. They are scared off by stalker type of behaviour.

Guys, just because a woman shows that she likes you, by picking up a few groceries for you, and cooking you a nice meal, does not qualify her to assume the responsibilities of a wife thereafter.

 You still have to do your own washing guys!

Lastly, we can always discuss our expectations for each other’s behaviour in a calm and respectful way.  If anything, it will save a million female faces in the doorways of Accra, and prevent masses of men’s dirty laundry piling up! At the same time, remember to keep love everlasting in your hearts.

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